What is Dona®?
Dona® contains crystalline glucosamine sulfate, a naturally occurring substance found in cartilage to cushion joints. Dona® helps in maintaining cartilage health so that you can actively participate in daily activities such as walking, climbing stairs, etc.
Dona® has been proven effective and safe in major clinical trials. It may promote cartilage health, lubricate joints, and support joint mobility and flexibility. Dona® can be taken with water or juice, with or without food and even in the morning or at night.
Supporting Your Joints
The joint is made up of bone and cartilage, with the synovial fluid between the bones in the joints, aiding lubricantion, thereby helping in movement. As we age, there tends to be a decrease in the volume of the synovial fluid, which can lead to reduced joint comfort.

The Original Glucosamine
Dona® is the original Crystalline Glucosamine Sulfate that has been shown effective in two 3-year controlled clinical studies. Dona® helps maintain the normal function of cartilage and supports healthy joint function, mobility, and flexibility. Healthy cartilage allows you to keep doing the activities you love, such as walking, climbing stairs, swimming, running, and even the simple joy of picking up your child or grandchild.